Math Talent

Tue-Fri 10.00-19.30, Sat-Sun 8.00-19.30

Coding Talent by Dr.Ying

Coding Talent is created by our inspiration to make children to learn coding with happiness and fun. We
teach through Lego® Education. Children can create robot from Lego parts, apply their idea for creating robot
and create program for controlling robot.
What is “Coding Talent”

Coding Talent focus on teaching according to the child  potential. Children can start to do by themselves
from the first step; building robot process and creating program. Moreover, children will enter the field and
then children can extend on advance to First Lego League (FLL) and World Robot Olympiad (WRO).


The program is divided into 2 courses:
2.1 Lego® Education WeDo 2.0 Programming Blocks
2.2 Lego® Education SPIKE™ Prime and Scratch

Grade level of children

Our institute offering Kindergarten 3 – Grade 10

How we teach children

Our team will assess the children  fundamentals. After that, we organize and separate children as group
according to their background and our curriculum. By a room is assigned to facilitate 3-6 children.

Coding Teaching

Coding Talent Video 1

Coding Talent Video 2

Coding Talent Video 3

Coding Talent Video 4

Coding Talent Video 5

Coding Talent Video 6

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